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Not Working because of UCTD

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1Not Working because of UCTD Empty Not Working because of UCTD Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:58 am


New to UCTD Forum

I have had the most difficult year, have gone from full-time work, to part-time work to now---no time work!

What a huge change in my life, I have always been a workaholic and really have based a lot of my self-esteem on the fact that I am a very good worker, have a strong work ethic and am the go-to person in a clinch!

How has UCTD affected your ability to work?


2Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:48 am


New to UCTD Forum

While I go to the different support groups over the years, I notice that those with UCTD & other Autoimmune conditions have that same work ethic. Not sure what that actually mean though . . why were are the ones that trigger the conditions. Why it couldn't be the "lazy ones" ~LOL~

I've attempted to go back to school (did get my degree but . .) and to work (Paralegal), but it never last; can't be dependable, and that hurts me more then any company I'd work for. So now, I just do volunteer work at my grandkids schools.

One thing we all do have in common though is the fact that we DO WANT TO WORK BUT CAN'T!

3Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:51 am


New to UCTD Forum

Nanna6 wrote:and that hurts me more then any company I'd work for. S

Ain't that the truth!



4Not Working because of UCTD Empty Not Working because of UCTD Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:11 pm


New to UCTD Forum

One thing that has not changed over these long years (it's been 32 for me) is the craving to return to work. So often I've been told by many people that I am so lucky that I don't have to work! I always tell them just try it for a few months and let me know how it feels . . and then when you collect the little amount of money you get from SSD/SSI when you know you have the ability to make 2 to 3 times as much money just makes you sad month after month. And that's something I've still not been able to "get over" . . it still hurts emotionally! When I can't do for my grand kids the way I want to, it hurts! When I can't get the things I need for myself, it hurts! And for me it brings me back to the fact that all of this began from a drunk driver . . everytime I think I've finished dealing with those emotions, something like what I just mentioned can bring me back to those emotions but since I've spent so much time learning to cope with them I can now deal with those feelings when they come rushing in. I'm just always amazed that after 32 yrs they still do come!

5Not Working because of UCTD Empty Indeed... Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:15 pm


New to UCTD Forum

I think it is pretty tough for those of us who have worked most of our lives until we got sick, and then it is so hard to give up that ingrained belief that "work = worth", at least for me... *sigh*



6Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:25 pm


New to UCTD Forum

Hi - Im new here too. I lost my job in 2009, and after caring for my terminally ill father following the death of my mother, I also became ill with joint pains and skin problems and thrombocytopenia. My mother died of rheumatoid arthritis, and I carry the genetic marker for connective tissue disease, unfortunately. I have Raynauds as awell as sjogrens.

My visit to the rheumy in December turned up an initial dx of UCTD. I have been on the sick since November, and I know that there is just no way i am fit for work at the moment. I can barely walk at the moment due to spine and hip problems. My job gave me a sense of usefulness and belonging, and I miss it.I worked as a Youth Offending team officer - but with those at risk of offending. Before that I was a youth and community worker.

I bought my house, and now that i cannot pay the mortgage, I face being evicted and repossessed in the next couple of weeks. This has been the saddest two years of my life, characterised by loss after loss - my parents, my job, my health and finally, my home. No surprises, but I am very depressed as well.

Hope my nxt post is more cheerful. Best wishes to all

7Not Working because of UCTD Empty Hello Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:11 pm


New to UCTD Forum


I am sorry you have gone through so many losses, so many big ones. I can totally relate to the loss of work. I was a drug and alcohol counselor for ten years, mostly working with the correctional population and I really enjoyed it. I have always been such a work-a-holic and this has been a big slam to my self-esteem.

I am sorry that you are losing your home as well. I know that nothing I can say will ease your pain and make you feel better. Although I will say that if anyone was to lose a home, these would be the times to do it in. Because in a few years from now, the banks etc will be more understanding since millions of Americans have lost their homes during this time. Have you applied for SSDI?

The only thing I can offer, is friendship and caring... I know that makes a difference to me on the days that I feel the worst. Sending good thoughts your way.

I think I am going to be diagnosed with Sjogren's. Not sure what I will end up with the next few years but the constant pain is enough to depress anyone. If you use anything like gmail chat or yahoo chat send me a private message, I'd love to chat.



8Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:16 pm


New to UCTD Forum

Thanks so much for your kind words. I miss feeling that Im contributing positively through my work. i did some work with mental health services, and I really miss the group sessions. I feel that my few skills are wasted now because my body is betraying me. Or rather, my immune system is.

The sjogrens crept up on me, it took a while for me to realise that my eyes were often dry and itchy, and my mouth and nose are also affected. I was buying moisturising drops to deal with the discomfort, but then I had such a bad flare up that the skin around my eyes was also red, swollen and peeling. My GP said it goes hand in hand with the other rheum. problems.

My email is a hotmail one - suejones1963@hotmail.co.uk. I would love to exchange

Im usually quite a positive person, but Im struggling a bit with losing dad last year in october, so soon after mum died, and the loss of my house is kind of the last straw. In England, there isnt anything to claim if your house is repod. I found somewhere to rent, and so it isnt so bad.I will strive to keep positive, I know I am not alone. Very Happy

9Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:34 am


New to UCTD Forum

I am a Reading Specialist at an elementary school. I've gone through all my sick days and we still have nearly 4 months of school left!

10Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:13 am


New to UCTD Forum

I just found this forum and what a Godsend! I was dx'd with UCTD about 5 years ago. A few years before that I was dx'd with antiphosphlipid syndrome after having a DVT and PE. Knew weird things were going on with my body for years, but nothing added up. I was a manager at a major biotech firm, long hours, crazy commute, major stress and it finally put me to the wall. I pushed myself to almost a complete physical and mental breakdown before I got dx'd. I had worked my entire life, since age 15, and I just turned 50. What a shock to the system! After LTD I still couldn't face going on SSDI, so I found a less stressful job where I could work from home 90% of the time. The owner's MIL has lupus, so he was pretty understanding, too. That was great until he got a brain tumor, is now severely disabled, and the company shut down! Now I find myself on unemployment for the first time in my life without the prospect of finding a job that I'm able to do! My financial situation and self esteem are both in the toilet and I find myself doing a lot of praying these days. Luckily my hubby is understanding but his salary can't carry our mortgage and all our bills. I feel like the clock is ticking, but I still can't get out of bed! Thank you all for letting me vent, and introduce myself a bit. I know you can all understand and that is the answer to a prayer in itself. I look forward to reading many more of your posts! I love you

11Not Working because of UCTD Empty Welcome BingBang Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:53 am


New to UCTD Forum

I think so many of us go through the same kinds of things... Is amazing how many of us seem to be the kind who love the high stress jobs... maybe that is one of the factors that pushed our bodies too far?

However, I know the blows are hard to take, most particularly on self-esteem. I am glad you found the forum and look forward to more of your posts!


12Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:05 am


New to UCTD Forum

Right now, I am not working. I have been diagnosed for about 2 1/2 yrs now. I am a nurse and before I was diagnosed I always tried to work a night shift job that required less of me physically. Eventually that was too much. Right now I am managing my pain with Ultram ER and I am always nauseous. My rheumatologist has prescribed something for the nausea but I am totally wiped out once I take that. The Ultram is for the most part effective for pain management but the vomiting is crazy. I have to plan my days around it. Right now I am back in school and I have to pick days that I know I don't have class the next day to take the pain pill. I pretty much am having pain all the time now that its hot here. I don't know what thats all about but as soon as the weather changed I was pretty much floored. I truly want to work but I don't feel I can do so and provide safe care while I am taking stuff to manage my pain and nausea. I recently separated from my husband and raising our two children and trying to work is a lot. I am trying to add to my skill set to hopefully find work that doesn't require so much physically.
So glad I found this forum. I was beginning to think I was crazy and that this diagnosis is just a fraud.

13Not Working because of UCTD Empty Re: Not Working because of UCTD Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:11 am


New to UCTD Forum

Welcome to the forum! It is tough and I know how frustrating it can be!



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